Andwabisabi designs super-duper ADORABLE PDF cross stitch patterns that sell for just $2.50-$7.50 per pattern. A STEAL.
One of the first craft hobbies I picked up as a child was cross stitch, so I have a real soft spot for this shop. What a sweet little gift/project for all ages!
From andiwabisabi's etsy profile:
Hello! My name is Grace. I'm currently an undergrad student in illustration design. During my free-time I like to keep my hands busy whether I’m baking, cross-stitching, or making earrings. My love for cross-stitching has inspired me to start creating drawings on muslin or fabric with colorful threads. What I like most about my work is the spontaneity. I’ve been working with thread on fabrics and I love how my work starts out as something but evolves into something else by finish. It’s ever-changing and non-permanent, and exciting to work with.
I usually draw about things that relate to me or my family, my childhood, places I’ve been to or wish to visit, or just about little stories I make up. I would like my work to spark interest in viewers and remind them of their childhood experiences and long-lost thoughts. I’d be interested to know how they relate to my work and how they interpret it.
안녕하세요. 십자수를 너무 좋아하는 선영이입니다. 몇년 동안 도안을 사서 십자수를 놓다가, 저더 한번 도안을 만들어봐야겠다고 생각해서 시작했어요. 아주 쉽고, 심플한 십자수 도안들이에요.
So what is wabisabi?
Wabi sabi is an Japanese aesthetic, it's about finding beauty in imperfect objects, accepting its flaws and the wears and tears of time; the impermanence. And in the modern world I believe this is something we really need to embrace.
Love love LOVE.
btw, THANK YOU for getting back to this! it is loved!
very sweet.
yes! These rule.
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